September 15,2011 Early Goose Hunt - Indiana - Video

The 2011 Indiana early goose season was a bit of a struggle for us here at X Spot Outdoors. We were burning up the roads in search of waterfowl but weren't able to point any really great spots. We thought we had a couple of great fields to set up on, but found out there were within city limits and the law enforcement would absolutely not allow shooting in those zones. We ended up knocking down four honkers on the last day set up in a chiseled wheat field, but the film did not turn out so great. We only had two hunters and our camera man was unable to come out on the Thursday morning. But, we are hunters first and videographers second so we got the job done the best way we know how. Enjoy the show, and we look forward to bringing you more hard hitting waterfowl action when the October season opens here in Indiana!

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